
Old School Espresso

1lb/ 454g

This is a tribute to traditional espresso.. Pacific North West Style.

Old School Espresso® is perfect for those who prefer low acidity and full body. Dark chocolate aroma with profound flavours of cocoa, caramel and molasses.

As of July 31st, 2013, Old School Espresso® consists of:

Nicaragua El Limon

  • Java Variety
  • 1250 m.a.s.l.

Guatemala San Pedro

  • Bourbon, Typica, Caturra & Catuai
  • 1500-1700 m.a.s.l.

Here are the parameters that we've been using with our latest Old School Espresso (parameters for an 18g VST Precision Filter Basket):

  • 18 grams of freshly ground coffee
  • Timer for 28 seconds
  • Pull 28-30 grams of liquid espresso
  • Grouphead at 200-201° F
  • 9 bars of pressure

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