
Ethiopia Welinso - Organic Single Origin Espresso

1 lb.

PRODUCER: Around 700 smallholder farmers 
LOCATION: Limu, Kossa
ALTITUDE: 1800-2000 m.a.s.l.
VARIETY: Local heirloom

This coffee is produced by around 700 smallholder farmers belonging to the Limu Inara Coffee Farmers Cooperative Union, delivering their coffee cherry to the Welinso cooperative in the Limu Kossa woreda of western Ethiopia.

Known as the birthplace of coffee, Ethiopia has nearly 1.1 million farmers providing coffee for export. Most are smallholders, growing varieties known as indigenous Ethiopian heirloom: a myriad of Typica hybrids, and some newer varieties based on old Typica strains. Last year, we blended this coffee with the nearby washing station named Tencho, but decided to keep lots separate this year. Welinso receives assistance form Technoserve, a non-profit organization focusing on agriculture and development. 

The farmers deliver coffee cherry to the cooperative, where they are hand sorted before undergoing the meticulous process of producing clean coffee for sale. Ripe cherry is processed using depulping machines to mechanically remove skin, pulp and mucilage. It is then soaked in clean water overnight before it is dried on raised beds - tables with a mesh bottom to allow for air circulation during the drying process.


Wastewater from production is filtrated through a wetland planted with vetiver grass, to ensure that water returning to the nearby river is clean and safe. 

Honeyed floral aromatics, soft elegant texture with flavours of roasted pecan, with a hint of citrus and stone fruits. 


Here are the parameters that we’ve been using with Welinso (parameters for an 18g VST Precision Filter Basket):
18 grams freshly ground coffee

Timer for 28 seconds
Pull~35-36 grams liquid espresso Grouphead at 200°F
9 bars of pressure

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